video, 12’22”
Editing: Meriç Balkandere
Sound recording: Barış Yalaz

Haemoglobins & Ants, is a video work that was part of Marina Papazyan’s solo exhibition with the same name which opened on April 16, 2021 at poşe. It tells the story of the death and second life of a vampire named Mircalla.
Having been influenced by Papazyan’s speculative and irregular research on premodern understandings of healing and the body, their work focuses on “the vampire” as a form of failed death and embodied resentment as opposed to the melancholic immateriality of the ghost. From the moment of resurrection to the therapy room, M’s newly acquired worldsense allows for the first-person singular, who is granted not only the right to their own sense of reality but an erotics of it too.